The White Wolf

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The sun rises again fading to grey at first red then shades of orange,

the dawn replacing the night,

leaving yesterdays wounds to heal the mind.

Time to reflect , redirect, and reinvent

and so the hunting begins…

Looking for demons to slay.

To much light can be blinding,

humans need  darkness

Need to be cruel to be kind,

as I lead the blind.

A cold powerful breed, 

At first I was nice and so they ripped me part, 

that’s when the  beast in me came out.

I was out casted by their fear.

Id rather be respected and hated, 

than kind and forsaken.

No need to be liked by a world full of copies 

slaying the demons ,

meanwhile they watch me.

It takes a beast to destroy one,

I am the hunter and  the hunted.

The only one of my kind 

I hold all the power,

I am the weapon

and the key,

A  motherless wolf,

No Father, no sister,

no brother.

Only a mission and a vision,

abandoned by all.

I make peace with my loneliness

 I hide in the woods

I transform to engage with humans, 

only too feed the hunger,

for a few brief  borrowed moments,

Then its back to the cold,

the isolation 

the battle and war.

I am the mysterious,

the unique 

Slayer of demons,


They call me “The White Wolf”



In Conclusion:

When someone is different and misunderstood,

people will tear them a part, only to see what they truly made of

 You are beautiful and brave just remember you are not average, you are unique.  

In a world full of hate,

I challenge you to not hurt others in vain

use your energy to heal each other,

do not fear what you do not understand,

instead learn from each other.

Stand up for what’s right 

No matter the cost!

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