
March 9, 2022










So afraid to fail,

I hide behind the veil,

I am fighting to prevail.

you can’t win if your losing it in your head.

My dreams are so big they scare me,

don’t want to live a life that’s ordinary.

Bury my enemies with success,

I played them like a game of chess.

Nevertheless I did what they thought I never could,

now who is looking like a fool?  

I took the pain,

I built a wall

I uprise after I fall,

Left in the dark,

in this new era I will leave a mark.

Broken and unloved 

 alone and empty fighting for a cause.

This is where the uprise evolved…

I create a different version of me,

one that no one could defeat.

The uprise comes after the fall 

Never fail to get up through it all.

The time has come to show you my masterpiece.

They turned me into a weapon 



The time has come for all the broken, to evolve,

The time of  revolution for the strong, 

Time for change to seal its fate. 

Time to Uprise and make a change…















In Conclusion:

There is nothing more to fear  than fear itself. 

After the destruction comes the reconstruction.

What life will you build for yourself?


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