The Balance

October 16, 2022









Chasing the mirage, embracing the fall,

darkness, this pen and these thoughts…

without them I will be lost,

tired of pretending  only looking strong,

Life show me to believe in something more,

my demons chase me when Iam at my low,

trying to get up as I take in the blows.

Iam paying for my sins but its not their fault,

I try to stay strong but the human in me falls. 

I want to right all my wrongs,

tired of walking how can I stand tall?

I want them to always see me be strong.

I guess I must fall,

hit rock bottom now I’m lost,

being good can only get you so far…

Ready to give up on my dream funding it all on an empty wallet,

life is a bitch, embrace the fall…

too much light can blind you,

The balance  is the force that drives you…






In Conclusion:

We have a light and darkness, 

they are a balance and that is what gives us the choice which one we challenge,

without balance we are savages…



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