
February 10, 2022











Change  is a mystery we should welcome without fear.

A butterfly must first suffer as a worm before it transforms,

science is a jurisdiction of evolution.

maturity is a conscience state of mind,

that produces fruits of stability and peace.

we remember pain because it gives us strength,

an ending is a new beginning, 

A butterfly spends its whole life in a cocoon, 

Isolated from the world, 

It does not see its own worth.

After all its just a worm,

Or so it was until it

transitioned into something more.

The worm was unaware of its potential,

It sleeps as if it’s life has come to an end.

Meanwhile the transition begins…

 one-day it awakens

leaving its old life behind. 

Amazed that now it can fly.

Some people are just like butterflies,

they don’t see their own worth. 

Their lack of confidence makes them so rare, 

They are so beautiful yet they do not care.

They cannot see their own wings, 

Your too busy doubting yourself, 

Meanwhile  your enemies are threatened by your future rise.

A butterfly can never go back to a worm. 

It is the humble who shall inherit the earth…













      In Conclusion:

We become what we think about  it all begins in the mind.

to the transformation and  best version to come…



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