Electric New Year

December 31, 2021







New year, new me. watch me ascend and be free..

In my mind I hold the key,

The electric new year is for me..

my resolution is my dream.

blessed is he that believes, with an open heart and a quiet mind

be still and let it come, this new year will be fun..

welcome change, set me free…

leaving behind the old me.

the gift of peace is free,

 forgive thy enemy, and become a greater entity

the time has come to say goodbye to this year 

so we can began the electric new year…


In Conclusion:

This new year will be better than the last, starting over and parting with the past.

we dance to the goodbye. And to the future we greet at sunrise..

May the new year bring you what you seek…

What is your new year’s resolution?





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