The beginning of the End

December 3, 2021








Living in this Pandemic as I try to escape it,

I rise and I fall as I tear down these walls

never fail to evolve,

I wear my scars proud like a shawl

 I was broken and then I grew strong.

Their hatred turned me into a weapon,

slaying the wicked with the truth of redemption.

Pain became my power.

Now I watch my enemies sink in their sorrow,

As judgement day is upon us.

The world is facing its changes. 

It is the proud who fall,

the wolves that feast on the lamb.

while the fox is nothing more than a spectator.

The giant hornets and the collapse of a building,

as  DEATH claims more victims.

The wrath of mother nature.

The warning of what will come…

The earth must be cleansed only then can we have a new beginning.

To build a new order, first you must tear it apart.

Build a new beginning with the blood of the wronged.

I have no fear, this is the end.

Watching karma unfold,

Time to pay for your sins.

The destruction of a new era.

Welcome to the beginning of the end… 




In Conclusion:

When the world is in chaos people reveal themselves.

What secrets do you hide?

Have you chosen your side?




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